rocks !!!

foxiballoon 0.1


Discover a picture gowing up and down when you scroll.



Damn small and easy program for objects following your vertical scrolling. It is designed to be easily integrated and just working fine.

This program is under GNU General Public License v3. It was developed with jquery 1.3.2 and works from 1.3.2.

Actually the minified program is only 1.4 kB in size (gzipped 715 Bytes)! Last updated on 22th August 2009.


Include the jquery-library and the plugin at the end of the body.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-foxiballoon-0.1.min.js"></script>

Inside the body you have your object like a container or a picture.

<div id="balloon">
<img src="images/thumb_image1.jpg" alt="balloon picture" width="72" height="72" />
</div><!-- /#balloon -->

Behind the included scripts you link the main function to your object.

<script type="text/javascript">

So when the document is fully loaded then the object will follow your scrolling ...

Another possibility would be ...

$('#sidebar').foxiballoon({maxObject:'#content', align:'center'});

// in the body

<div id="sidebar" style="width:10em;float:left">
text of sidebar
</div><!-- /#sidebar -->

<div id="content" style="width:40em;float:right">
text of content
</div><!-- /#content -->

From the normal position after loading the container "#sidebar" becomes a balloon wich stays inside the centered layout when the window is resized.


property default description
maxObject 'body' It's bottom is the balloon-object sinking limit. You can use an id, a class or a html-object.
speed 'fast' The speed for animation effects. Values are 'slow', 'normal', 'fast' and milliseconds.
align 'left' On window resizing the balloon-object corrects ist's horizontal alignment. Allowed is 'left', 'center' and 'right'.
distance 10 The distance from the top of the window.


If you use my program please be so fair to !

foxiballoon 0.1 full
jquery-foxiballoon-0.1.js, license-gpl-3.0.txt

foxiballoon 0.1 minified
jquery-foxiballoon-0.1.min.js, license-gpl-3.0.txt

package of foxiballoon 0.1 full, minified and this documentation
jquery-foxiballoon-0.1.js, jquery-foxiballoon-0.1.min.js, jquery-1.3.2.min.js, documentation.html, license-gpl-3.0.txt

The latest version of jquery you will get on

Don't miss

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